i think i'm gonna start posting IDEAL PROTIEN DIET friendly reciepes on here. i have so much fun experimenting with different things that i think i should share them. just fyi there are a few things about my reciepes i should point out...
1. i dont measure anything (except the meat and veggies)
2. anything can be added and taken out of the reciepes. which make them perfect for anyone
okay with htat being said here is what i had tonight. I'm gonna call it
5oz chicken
italian seasoning
1 lemon
2 garlic cloves
1 cup spinach leaves
1 cup mixture jalapenos, green onions, and mushrooms
olive oil
garlic salt
-in a steamer prepare water, squeeze some lemon into the water for added flavor.
-season chicken with italian seasoning, pepper, salt. squeeze lemon over chicken. place lemons and chicken on the steamer tray. put garlic cloves on top of the chicken.
-cook for 15 minutes
-while chicken is cooking put olive oil, spinach and mixture of jalapenos, green onions, and mushrooms in a medium saucepan on med high heat. saute to desired doneness.
voila! delish meal that is within the realm of the ideal protien diet. serve with romaine lettuce and walden farms ceasar dressing or just eat as is.
if you try this let me know how it is. not just ppl on the ideal protien diet have to try this. this is very healthy for ANYONE! low fat, low carb, low calorie dinner that everyone will enjoy
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