Tuesday, March 1, 2011


WOW MARCH ALREADY!!! where has time gone!

well as i'm waiting patiently for my daughters to wake up i decided to weigh myself...178lbs!!! amazing! 4.4lbs since thursday! this diet really does work. i feel good, i am looking great.

the thing i can't get past is why did it take me getting soo fat to be confident at the size i was when i met nick???? when i was in job corp and when i got out i thought i was gross! just a fat ass girl that no one liked... when in actuallity i have pictures of what i looked like in job corp and i strive to look like that again. but yet i hid myself thinking i was fat. in high school i was the smallest so far at 150lbs and yet....i thought i was fat... boys didn't like me. at least they didn't persue me so i figured i was fat and ugly. i look the same as i did in high school yet somehow 28lbs heavier i feel prettier. more attractive. sexy even. and i'm sure as i lose more weight my face will get thinner along with my body and i will have even more confidence. i just wish i had this kind of confidence in myself 6-7 years ago

1 comment:

  1. I have this theory that maturity has a lot to do with it. When we are in highschool, we are so self-centered. Our focus is always about ourselves. After school we begin to realize that there is much more out there to life, and after you meet your significant other, you build confidence in yourself and mature. Its my theory anyways.
