Saturday, March 12, 2011


temptations, temptations, temptations.

although it seems that i am losing weight very is just the oppisite of that. some days are way harder than others to not cheat. LIke the last couple days for instance. nick and the girls had papa murphy's for dinner, then cheesy bread, and finally some cookies. YUM! i had Chicken stir fry and califlour rice. Not exactly as good as pizza. Then for lunch the girls had heated up pizza. NOW i was drooling, i love p-murphs next day recooked in the oven. It's soo good, with some crushed red peppers, a little salt, and some ranch to dip it in. The NEED to have that pizza over my salad was un ignorable.... but i didnt. then after dropping the girls of at their aunties i was starving, which usually i would swing through a fast food on my way home and have dinner. nope waiting till i got home and had eggs and spinach. then when it was time to have my protein shake that was hard, i was making it in the middle of a sea of crap on the counter, pizza, cookies, apple cinnoman muffins, oh took all i had to make the shake instead.

now if i were single this would be no problem. it would be all the food i would have to see. now with kids and a bf its not that simple. i have to make food all day for the girls. fruits, and toasts, and mac n cheese's oh man not to forget grilled cheese sandwiches and soup!!!! so the fact that i am losing weight as rapidly as i am really isnt with out a lot of work!!! the real test will be natalie's birthday party. making all that delicious foods and not being able to taste them! frying up lumpia and not being able to eat half! OH MAN!!

the good news with this is i'm down to 170.2!!! whoot whoot!!! to me thats amazing! i think when i get under 170 i might cry! lol!!

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