walden farms has some GREAT products out there. i have recently found the alfredo and the tomato and basil sauce! paired with some ground turkey and some chicken and zuccini noodles its a great meal that even the girls have enjoyed with me. (well bites off my plate at least). the picture shows each item i cooked seperatley so you can see all that is done. but i combined everythign in the end. I will post the reciepe for chicken alfredo when i can make it again and get a good picture.
Turkey Spegetti and Zuccini Noodles
5oz ground turkey breast
parsley flakes
garlic powder
walden farms tomatoe and basil sauce
mrs dash tomatoe basil garlic
1 cup zuccini noodles (see previous post for reciepe)
-olive oil
-1 garlic clove
-parsley flakes
1 cup sauted mushrooms
brown turkey in pan with parsley and garlic powder. heat tomatoe sauce in a pot (amount is up to you) add browned turkey and saute'd mushrooms to the sauce and let simmer. heat olive oil on high, add garlic clove saute till garlic is brown add zuccini and parsley flakes cook on medium high for 2 minutes. serve sauce on top of "noodles". ENJOY!